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TPI Super Portland Cement

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TPI Red Super Portland Type 1 Portland Cement designed for exceptional performance and high compressive strength. The workpiece is even stronger. Suitable for general concrete such as structural work, residential buildings, roads and bridges. Or jobs that need quick repairs, including all types of prestressed concrete. Concrete block Pipe casting Casting, drainage, casting, cap, casting, precast casting And asbestos pipe casting.


  • Cement is designed to provide special qualities and meet the requirements of general concrete or casting products, the strength and durability of the workpiece.
  • With a weight of 40 kg Super PU, can be used in general concrete or casting products as Portland cement type 1 weight 50 kg, making it more economical and cost effective. Including ease of transport. Convenient and easy to use.
  • Cemented meat is high resolution. Makes the workpiece smooth and more beautiful.
  • Super TPP Cement Certified for Portland Cement Type 1 TIS 15 copies 1-2555

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