
Criteria for selection of the Independent Directors are as follows:

  1. Under the criteria of the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission and the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Independent Directors:
    • 1.1 Are restricted in the number of shares they may hold to not greater than 1% of the voting shares in the Company, its affiliates, its associated companies, or its juristic persons that may impose conflicts of interest (implicitly including related persons as stated in Section 258 of the SEC’s Act B.E. 2535.)
    • 1.2 Have no management participation in the Company, its affiliates, or its associated companies; and are not employees or regularly paid consultants, or persons who have control over the Company, its affiliates, or its associated companies or its juristic persons that may impose conflicts of interest.
    • 1.3 Have no business relationship with the Company, its affiliates, or its associated companies; and do not have any loss or gain, directly or indirectly, in the finance or management of the Company, its affiliates, or its associated companies; or its juristic persons that may impose conflicts of interest.
    • 1.4 Have no close relatives, or persons related in a way that may lead to a lack of independence from the management or major shareholders of the Company, its affiliates, or its associated companies, or its juristic persons that may impose conflicts of interest; nor may they be appointed to protect the interest of any director or major shareholders.
    • 1.5 Maintain consistent attendance at all board meetings and follow and monitor the business performance and operations of the Company.
  2. Independent Directors must be capable, talented and knowledgeable, with backgrounds and experience deemed beneficial to the Company; such as backgrounds in engineering, accounting, finance etc.
  3. Independent Directors must perform their duties with great care and loyalty in the best interest of the shareholders, without conflict of interest with/for their own businesses or former businesses, or related parties.


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