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TPI Polene Receives Citation and Recognition from Thaipat institute for its ESG and Sustainability Merits

As 2024 is drawing to a close, we are happy to share that TPI Polene has been a recipient of the Sustainability Disclosure Award 2024 as well as Inclusion in the ESG100 Index for 3rd Year in a Row by Thailand’s Thaipat Institute.

We wish you all Happy Holidays.

And, thank you for your continued support.


2024 Sustainability Disclosure Award from Thaipat Institute


On November 28, 2024, TPI Polene Public Company Limited and TPI Polene Power Public Company Limited received 2024 Sustainability Disclosure Award in the category of Honorary Award, the highest award from Thaipat Institute for the third consecutive years, reflecting the Companies’ commitment to transparent and comprehensive disclosure of sustainability information.


As members of the Sustainability Disclosure Community (SDC), the Companies place great importance to data reporting in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria for exceptional performance of sustainable development in line with the strategy of the TPI Polene Group.


The Companies are committed to conducting business that give precedence to environmental friendliness and embrace social responsibility under a good corporate governance policy to create benefits and value for all stakeholders in a sustainable manner.


The TPI Polene Group Thailand in the Gulf News

The Gulf News, the most widely distributed English newspaper in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with nine million readership in the Middle East and worldwide, is featuring Thailand in the Special Features for its e-newspaper version on the 3rd of October 2024.

This is to bring focus UAE and Thailand’s negotiations for the

Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)

projected to boost the Thai GDP by at least USD350 million and bolster bilateral trade by USD250 million.

 In addition to various government agencies, a number of corporates and businesses that are at the forefront of their respective sectors are also in the Special Feature. The TPI Polene Group is featured as The Pioneering Leader in Thailand’s Industrial Sector, highlighting its dedication to bring innovative and green products into the market underpinned by research and innovation driven, in turn, by its homegrown talents and accumulated skills instead of relying on bolt-on acquisitions. Consequentially, the Group sits on a long list of Thailand’s Firsts that serve as stepping stones to its long term agenda of achieving

Carbon Neutrality by 2043.




TPIPL and TPIPP have achieved "Excellent CG Scoring, a 5-star corporate governance assessment

TPI Polene Public Company Limited (TPIPL) and TPI Polene Power Public Company Limited (TPIPP) prove a next level of operational excellence, following their continuously organizational development. On October 28, 2024, TPIPL and TPIPP have achieved "Excellent CG Scoring, a 5-star corporate governance assessment” for two consecutive years from Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed Companies (CGR) for the year 2024, operated by Thai Institute of Directors  in collaboration with the Stock Exchange of Thailand and the Office of Securities and Exchange Commission. This reflects the determined dedication of the companies' Board of Directors, top management and employees to the continuous development and enhancement of the good corporate governance practices of the companies.

Reforestation – Is Part of the Way of Life



To encourage the Thai society to be aware of low carbon society, TPI Polene Plc and TPI Polene Power Plc undertake reforestation. This is a continuing effort. In 2023, the Group planted 3,000 saplings of Lagerstroemia (Lagerstroemia indica), Teak (Tectona grandis) and Neem (Azadirachta indica) in a 100 rai (16 hectares) area. All these tree species produce beautiful, scented flowers that can support many insect populations especially bees and can be harvested for lumber.

TPIPP/TPIPL received six awards from the Foundation of Thai Society; two of which are individual honors for the “Organizational Leader of the Year" and the "Creative Thinking & Innovation of the Year” presented to Mr. Prachai Leophairatana, Chairman of TPI Polene Power Plc. The four other awards are organizational honors: Goodness Award, Creative Thinking & Innovation of the Year, Service of the Year, and the Company of the Year.

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