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Driving Towards the Economy to Sustainable Growth (Bio-Circular-Green Economy - BCG )

Circular Economy, Green Economy and Bio Economy


TPI Polene Group recognizes the importance of resource utilization amidst the accelerating growth rate of the world population. Meanwhile, the supply of limited natural resources and inefficient consumption lead to more waste and depletion of natural resources in economic cycles, which inevitably worsens the climate change problem. That in turn accelerates resource scarcity while greenhouse gas emissions result in global warming. This is primarily caused by waste from consumption, including the impact of marine waste.

"We are depleting the natural resources of our descendants’ generation”; this sentence reflects the absolute necessity to improve the efficient consumption of natural resources, including raw materials energy, as well as the measures to be taken for  environmental impact reduction and waste overflow. All of these factors  result in global warming.

TPI Polene Group is committed to playing a role in solving such problems for our planet with a commitment to a policy of the “Circular Economy” as a global sustainability concept. This will be implemented at all stages of business operations, from research and development planning, production processes and to the delivery of our products to consumers. Waste from one process is a raw-material for another to maximize the benefits of resource utilization. In a bio-based economy, material cycles are efficient and sustainable in the supply chain in the business, social and community sectors.

TPI Polene Group has established this policy for the group of companies, aimed at sustainable development by implementing “Circular Economy” to be mainstreamed as a global sustainability concept to maximize the benefits of resource utilization and the continual use of resources, eliminating waste. Circular systems employ reuse, remanufacturing and recycling to reduce environmental pollution, minimizing the use of resource inputs and the creation of waste, pollution and carbon emissions, with the key objective to reduce carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere, which causes global warming, by using renewable energy in the production process. In addition, TPI Polene Group aims to improve the group's production efficiency and products under the concept of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these resources and waste streams into value-added products to support the country's agricultural sector.




The joining of the three segments, Circular economy, Green economy and Bio economy represents the implementation of the economy towards sustainable development, and they are mutually supportive - this is called Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG), a business model innovation that will drive TPI Polene Group to grow with globally competitive advantages and to diversify income to communities by protecting the surrounding environment to further enhance sustainable growth.





TPI Polene Group has taken every step in our business operations, from research and development, procurement of resources, raw materials and energy, and put them under circular systems by recycling and employing reuse methods and technologies to reduce environmental pollution. Our goal is to use highly efficient production processes in both resource consumption and environmental protection, with the key objective to manufacture green products that are environmentally :


  1. Green Research and Development
  • Product development using Alternative Raw materials
  • Product development using recycled raw materials
  • High quality product development to reduce consumer consumption
  • Product design to reduce energy consumption in production
  • Production of products for decoration to replace the use of natural resources
  • New product innovation to respond to the applications as green products
  1. Procurement of Raw materials and Energy Resource
  • Use of raw material sources with minimal impact on resources and the environment such as:
  • Selection of raw materials from suppliers who use material, such as recycled paper used to produce cement bags or spare parts that use steel from the original parts to be re-reduced etc.
  • Construction of rainwater storage ponds for use instead of using water from natural sources
  • Cost-effective use of all parts of raw materials by reuse and recycling, such as”

-    The remainder or low quality limestone from the cement production process will be used to produce construction stones, sand, construction soil and mortar raw materials, etc. using all parts of limestone.

-   Recycle sewage water from cooling towers will be improved to be reused instead of 

    being discharged.

-    Lubricants/oil for engine will be reused as fuel.

  • Use of renewable raw materials from waste recycling, such as:

- The use of bottom ash from power plants as substitute raw materials in cement production process.

-    The use of fly ash from power plants as a substitute for cement 

-     Recycle bottom ash in power plants to replace sand to fill bed levels

  •  Renewable Alternative Raw Material

-    The use of limestone left over from construction stone mills instead of using river sand

      in power plants

-   The use of limestone dust as a substitute for the use of clinker in cement production


-   The use of waste water in RDF plants in bio fertilizer production

  •  Renewable Fuels

-   Processing of municipal waste as a substitute for fuel in RDF power plants and cement


-   Lubricant, tires or scrap material from processes in heating plants are used as fuel.

  •  Renewable Energy

-  Electricity generation from renewable power plants or RDF power plants

-  Production of oil from tires in Pyrolysis plant

  •  Heat Recovery

-  The use of recovery heat from the production process to warm the raw materials in raw

   meal and coal grinding machines.

- The use of recovery heat from steam production process for electricity generation and light

   weight concrete production.

  1. High efficiency and low emission process
  • High efficiency production process and production machinery

- The use of machines with high energy efficiency such as invertor

- Modification of clinker cooler machine to produce clinker to reduce energy consumption

- Factory crater with Vertex design to reduce energy consumption

- The use of a belt conveyor to transport limestones from the quarry and being able to

  generate electricity back to the system instead of using trucks.

- The use of Mobile Crusher to lessen rock/aggregate transportation

- Implementation of various energy conservation projects

  • The use of process automation production control system for accuracy in production process

- The use of process automation system to control production from the central control room.

- Combustion control program for fuel and power consumption reduction to obtain high

   quality clinker

- The use of IOT and data technology for data management to increase production 


  • Controlling and reducing the environmental impact from production processes.

- An installation of air quality monitoring system to measure air emitted from the factory

  crater, by using Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM).

- Installation of filtration device and electrostatic precipitator (ESP).

- Installation of truck wheel washers in various transportation in the factory, including

  contractors’ trucks.

- Roof covering to store raw materials and coal to control dispersion.

  •  The use of automation machinery or robots in the production process.

- The use of automation machinery to store raw material samples, products for quality

  analysis to control the production process.

- Using robots to perform tasks such as products packaging.

- Using robots to perform welding and maintenance work.

  1. Green Products
  • Products that have been certified under both domestic and international standards.
  • High quality products that can reduce consumption to maintain job quality.
  • Products that are convenient for transportation, storage and use.
  • Products that are environmentally friendly.
  • Products that can save energy in real use.
  • Products that can get rid of scrap with are no hazardous contamination in products and packaging.
  1. Sales, Transportation and Services
  • Packaging design in cargo transportation
  • Process Automation system to unload goods
  • Promoting efficient transportation and reducing environmental and community impacts
  • Using digital platforms to sell and transport
  • Servicing customers in the use of products for optimal performance

The use of waste products from consumption for renewable use