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Social Responsibility

  1. Overview of Policy

The Company Group has a policy to pursue its business operations under well-managed administration practices with an adherence to creating a corporate culture in good corporate governance in parallel with social conservation and environmental preservation. The Company also realizes the importance of educational support, public well-being and safety, art, cultural preservation and social development with an aim to respond the need of the people in the local community to further enhance the sustainable growth in all respects, which can be partly reported below.

11.1     Business Operation with Fairness

The company aims to conduct business according to the Corporate Governance Policy and Code of Conduct of the company (Please see details under Section 2.11 Corporate Governance -11.1 Corporate Governance Policy) and is determined to promote the firm to be an organization that does business with transparency, ethics, and responsibility for shareholders and stakeholders.


The Board of Directors is determined to conduct business according to good corporate governance, focusing on justice, transparency, fairness, responsibility for society, culture and the environment, together with building sustainable development for all staff, customers, the community, and all stakeholders under the management.


Transparent Thailand where all citizens live happily


The Company’s Board of Directors specifies principles of Good Corporate Governance for the Board, Management, and all employees of the company to hold as follows:


(1) Directors hold on to the principles of universal Corporate Governance and are determined to improve Good Corporate Governance continuously i.e. shareholders rights, equitable treatment of shareholders, shareholder roles, information disclosure and transparency, and responsibility of the Board.


(2) Directors, Management and staff concentrate to apply the Principles of Corporate Governance i.e. Creation Shared Value, Responsibility, Equitable treatment, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (C.R.E.A.T.E.) to use as a guideline to conduct business and to strictly abide by laws and related regulations of invested countries.


(3)  Directors establish the management structure to treat Directors, Management and shareholders with fairness, and consider policy, vision, work plans and key strategies, and supervise and monitor business operations, and ensure appropriate risk management. They are independent and responsible for business operations to conform to Good Corporate Governance by being an ethical leader and a good example to follow the Corporate Governance and Code of Conduct as well as promote the culture of Corporate Governance. They are responsible for all related stakeholders and to promote human rights, consumer rights, and fair labor as well as to establish a system to follow up, evaluate, and review for all employees to practice Corporate Governance in a complete and sustainable manner.

In addition, the Company makes a written announcement of a Code of Conduct for all stakeholders with shared values principles between the Company and stakeholders whereas the top management is responsible for the participation of all stakeholders and improves communication channels to continuously allow for the expression of opinions to the responsible business units. The Company has a strict policy to treat all stakeholders fairly including shareholders, customers, employees, trade partners, competitors, community and society. The Management and employees put the Code of Conduct into practice, so they clearly understand how to fairly treat shareholders, trade partners, and customers, etc.            


            1.2       Anti-Corruption Policy

The Company is committed to pursuing its business operations with an emphasis on transparency with ethics and responsibility to shareholders, customers, employees, society and others stakeholders. The Directors, the Management and all levels of employees are prohibited from operating or accepting, soliciting, demanding, or accepting assets or other benefits to other persons in business dealing with the Company, whether directly or indirectly, as a motive for them to do or refrain from doing any act to acquire or keep benefits that are unsuitable to the business, except as allowed by the laws, rules, regulations, local customs or tradition, or business customs, to create the balanced consideration of all related parties and fair treatment to all parties concerned. The Company has conducted Anti-Corruption awareness as guideline policies for the management and employees of the group to perform in compliance with the principles of good corporate governance, Code of Conducts and/or related to the terms and regulations or any legal issues to create sustainable value and long-term growth of the business.


  1. All levels of employees must not induce to act or refrain from actions that may lead to

malfeasance and corruption, by not being involved in corruption, whether directly or


  1. To support all levels of employees’ roles and responsibilities to take part in the activities of Anti-Corruption Policy Corruption, not to solicit, demand, or accept assets or other benefits from other persons in business dealing with the Company,
  1. To conduct its business with fairness and enhance the confidence to its stakeholders.

Scope of Anti-Corruption Policy

Stakeholders of the Company who are involved in Anti-Corruption Policy Corruption are classified into 2 major groups as follows:

  1. Internal : Director, Management Team, and all level of staff/employees
  2. External: Customer or suppliers, contractor’s sub-contractors, business partners, creditors, governmental authorities and private officers.


Anti-Corruption Definition

Corruption means any types of bribery; an offering, agreement to give, giving, promising to give, soliciting, or receiving of money, asset, or other inappropriate benefits from the government officers, government sectors, private sectors, or responsible person either in direct or indirect action so that such person could proceed or disregard his/her function in order to acquire, retain the business, recommend a specific company to the entity, or achieve any improper benefits in the business transaction. Exceptions shall be applied in case of laws, regulations, statements, standards, customs, or business traditions.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. The Board of Directors is responsible for determining the policy, and monitoring, and forming an effective system supporting anti-corruption acts in order to affirm that the Management Team intensively concerns, emphasizes, and cultivates an anti-corruption mindset as part of the Company’s culture.
  2. Presidents and the Management are responsible for determining an anti-corruption system, promoting, and encouraging anti-corruption manners conveyed to all staff and related parties. This also includes reconsideration on systems or regulations in order to best adjust with business changes, regulation, standard, and laws.
  3. The Audit Committee is responsible for the revision of financial and accounting reports, internal control, internal audit function, and risk management so that such operations are concise, appropriate, effective, and conform to global standards.
  4. The Internal Audit Director is responsible for auditing, assessment, and evaluations in business transactions whether they are accurate and comply with guidelines, approval authority, standards, laws, and policies in such monitored departments in order to ensure that the internal controls are sufficient and suitable for probable risk in corruption. This shall be directly reported to the Audit Committee.

Anti-Corruption Guidelines

  1. Staff shall not be negligent in any corruption conditions involved directly with the Company. All staff must notify such acts to supervisors or responsible persons provided in particular channels, including collaborate with the fact-finding investigations.
  2. A person who is involved in corruption is considered to have committed a disciplinary offense. This means such person needs to be considered for disciplinary action according to the Company’s standards. Legal conviction may be applied in case such acts violate the laws.
  3. The Company shall provide fairness and safeguard staff who inform Management of corruption cases relating to anti-corruption information.
  4. The Company is concerned about the importance of dissemination, knowledge sharing, and constant communication with employees.
  5. The Internal Audit Department of the Company will be responsible for reviewing and evaluating internal control systems, disclosure of Company information, and to review implementation of the provisions and risk management systems that can mitigate risks against corruption and report directly to the Audit Committee.

Provision in Implementation

Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policy (to interact properly with business partners and the related parties who have conflicts of interest)

All levels of employees will be responsible for the anti-corruption policy in connection with customers, suppliers and all parties concerned. (Hereafter called “related parties who have conflicts of interest” who have a direct impact on business operations)

  1. The employees must comply with the anti-corruption policy and measures, the Company’s corporate governance principles and code of business conduct and hospitality activities from other persons in business dealing with the Company.
  2. The employees must not accept gifts, entertainment and hospitality offerings, gifts or entertainment and hospitality activities from other persons in business dealing with the Company, whether directly or indirectly.
  3. Employees must not be corrupt or accept corruption in any form in any circumstance, covering the business without otherwise getting prior approval from the direct supervisors. Any acceptance thereof as above from other persons must comply with the Anti-Corruption policy and measures, the Company’s corporate governance principles and code of business conduct and must not have any impact in business decision of such employee.
  4. Employees must not perform any act to acquire or keep benefits from their positions in the Company or to accept gifts, entertainment and hospitality offerings, gifts or entertainment and hospitality activities from other persons in business dealing with the Company.
  5. Whenever the employees advise the personnel to the Company, those actions must not go against the benefits and/or recruitment of the Company or refrain from doing any act to acquire or keep benefits that are against related laws and regulations.
  6. There are no close relationships between supervisors and those under their supervision within the same departments such as: married couples, parents or offspring, that may impose conflicts of interest.
  7. Business relations and procurement process with the public sector or all types of bribery or illegal payments are prohibited in all business transactions, operations, and connections to the government.
  8. Corrupt persons who violate or fail to comply with the anti-corruption measures must face punishment under the Company’s rules and may also face prosecution if the action violates the law.
  9. Employees must be granted an approval from their supervisors before offering all types of gifts (such as the Company’s products) or entertainment and hospitality activities to other persons covering the business to be in compliance with the anti-corruption policy and measures, the Company’s corporate governance principles and code of business conduct. In case of emergency that in any circumstances, it has not been granted approval from their supervisors in advance, such employees are deemed to get an approval from their supervisors whatsoever after offering all types of gifts (such as the Company’s products) or all forms in any circumstances, to other persons covering the business.
  10. The employees must not acquire or take benefits from their position in the Company to engage in inappropriate relationships, sexual harassment and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature, any kinds of treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against (such discrimination based on race, sex, disabilities or religious). This also includes burglary, threats, force or any other kind of the action that violates the law.
  11. Employees should ask or use request forms to get opinions from their supervisors or responsible persons when the employees face or doubt any act that is considered corruption in order to avoid any argument.

File complaints or reports of fraud

  1. Complaints or recommendations

1.1  A complaint if encountering any acts that are considered corruption, direct or indirect.

1.2  Any act that is considered corruption and/or have a direct effect on the internal control of the Company cooperate in the fact-finding investigation stipulated by the Company’s regulations.

  • Any act that has a direct impact on the Company’s reputation and benefits.
  • Any misconduct that is against the law, morals and/or business ethics.
  1. Suitable report channel to file a complaint

When they face or doubt any act that might be considered corruption, employees have a responsibility to notify supervisors or responsible persons or through suitable report channels.

  1. Channels of Communication between the Company and its Employees (Internal complaint)
    1. Head of the Internal Control Department/ Head of the Human Resources Department or Head of Legal Department.
    2. Mail Box
    3. E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  1. Channels of Communication between the Company and outsiders (External complaints)
  1. Letters : Mrs. Orapin Leophairatana

   Senior Executive Vice President

   TPI Polene Power Public Company Limited

   26/56 Chan Tat Mai Road, Thungmahamek,

   Sathorn, Bangkok 10120

  1. E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. Letters : The Audit Committee

TPI Polene Public Company Limited

26/56 Chan Tat Mai Road, Thungmahamek,

Sathorn, Bangkok 10120

  1. Tel. no. 02-285-5090 or 02-213-1039 Internal Audit Department

Identities and confidentiality protected

  1. Identities protected

As the whistleblower or the person filing the grievance in good faith is greatly beneficial to the Company and all employees, therefore, the whistleblower or the person subject to such grievance and parties involving in the fact-finding and reporting process, no matter what difficulties they might have, the Company will ensure that no employees shall be demoted, penalized or be otherwise affected because they honestly decline to participate in corruption.

The Company has a policy to investigate such reports with equal transparency, care and fairness and subject them to a proper investigation; information will be kept confidential and only be revealed when necessary while we will take into consideration the safety and damage of the whistleblower or the person filing the grievance, which will be carried out in a confidential manner to ensure staff who make the reports will have their identities protected.

  1. Names and Confidentiality Protected

The whistleblower or the person filing the grievance (various groups of stakeholders or employee) may choose not to reveal his/her name, address or contact number unless he/she feels that such a disclosure will enable the Company to inform him/her of progress. Information will be kept confidential and only be revealed when necessary while we will take into consideration safety and damage of the whistleblower or the person filing grievance. The Company will hear all such reports with equity, transparency, care and fairness and subject them to a proper investigation, which will be carried out in a confidential manner to ensure the staff member who makes the reports will have their identities protected with fair treatment.

Fact-finding process and Penalty

  1. Having received the grievance, the Management Representatives, whose members consist of the Compliance Unit and the Audit Committee, will be responsible to conduct an investigation.
  2. Under the fact-finding process, the Management Representatives and the Audit Committee might assign Management Representatives to keep them informed of the progress of further investigation.
  3. In case tips or the grievance are found to contain materiality, the person committing corruption or violating or failing to comply with the anti-corruption measures will be notified. The Company will grant opportunities for the persons committing corruption or proved to be guilty to acknowledge the reasons and reserve the right for them to prove themselves by providing additional information or evidence that they aren’t involved in any corruption or are guilty of violating or failing to comply with the anti-corruption measures as accused.
  4. In case the person who has committed corruption or violating or failing to comply with the anti-corruption measures, are proven to be guilty, the Company will take actions in accordance with the established procedures to investigate and levy disciplinary punishment on employees at fault, relating to corruption matters.Such person will be considered for discipline according to the Company’s standards. Legal conviction may be applied in case such an act violates the laws. The Management’s decision is considered the final judgment for punishment on employees at fault, relating to corruption matters.

Disclosure of the Anti-Corruption Policy

  1. The Company announces the written publication of the anti-corruption policy and measurements as a principal guideline for employees to follow.
  2. The Company discloses the written publication of the anti-corruption policy and measures through the Company’s channels, such as letters, the Company’s website and annual report, etc.
  3. The anti-corruption policy needs to be reviewed regularly, including with a possible revision of such policy and implementation provision in order to be in accordance with business changes, regulations, standards, and laws.


1.3       Respecting Human Rights

The company realizes that the community and the environment are susceptible to its activities and business conduct; hence, the Board, the Management, and all employees must respect the law, customs, traditions and local cultures where the company is conducting business. The Company consequently set the following guidelines:

  • Employees must treat any person in the areas of the establishment with respect, on the basis of human dignity, justice and respect for each other. They also comply with all applicable laws in the country.
  • The Company promotes diversity in employment and provides opportunities to grow and advance in career path without discrimination in favor or against any person, race, nationality, religion, country, education, age, sex, status, disability, and so on.
  • Employees must carefully handle stakeholder information.
  • Employees will not disclose confidential information of stakeholders to unauthorized persons, except for the written consent of the stakeholder or the authorized person of the company.
  • Employees must limit disclosure, use and access of stakeholder information as necessary.
  • Prohibiting employees from harassing or causing sexual nuisances in the workplace.

In addition, the operation and management of the security of the Company's area must comply with voluntary compliance with security and human rights principles.

1.4        Fair Labor Practices

The Company values its employees, focusing on all employees to progress, to have welfare and security, to develop their potential, and to be safe to work. To treat employees fairly, the guidelines are as follows:

  • The company has plans and training courses to teach the job to be done or relevant issues for employees to understand and to work properly, safely and suitably with the employees in each job position.
  • The Company organizes training for knowledge development, competitive advantage of its employees to support its growth and the progress of the employees
  • The company encourages the transfer of knowledge, teaching, and work learning among employees.
  • The Company provides opportunities and support for employee education, and training to increase knowledge both inside and outside the organization following proper job description.
  • The Company has clear and strict employment regulations, including progress in the job with no restriction on gender, age, social status, race, ethnic, religious, educational institutions. The employment policies and working conditions are based on the needs of the job.
  • The company will not employ migrant workers including contractors and subcontractors.
  • The Company provides a channel for listening to employees’ feedback and suggestions.
  • The Company provides benefits and welfare, equivalent to other companies in the same industry.
  • The Company creates a good working environment and a safe place to work.


1.5       Consumer Responsibility

The Company is committed to providing customers or consumers who buy products and services from the Company benefits and satisfaction with the product by producing fair-priced, good quality products which show responsibility to customers and consumers. It needs to serve customers and consumers quickly and without discrimination. It also maintains sustainable relationships with customers and consumers. The guidelines are as follows.

(1) To develop quality products and give full service by continuously delivering goods and services quickly to meet the needs of customers and consumers. The employees must also be fully dedicated to meeting customer needs with reasonable prices and without restrictions on consumer rights.

(2)  Not to commit any fraud or deception in the quality of the company’s product and services by producing products and services that are safe, reliable and non-hazardous  to the health of consumers. The warning signs and documentation must be specified in accordance with international quality management standard systems.

(3)  To store customer data in a secure system and not to disclose customers’ data illegally and specify the fair price of the products and services.

(4) To provide an agency responsible for providing adequate recommendation knowledge and understanding of products and services including counseling and offering solution. We also receive complaints in order to maximize customer satisfaction in products and services.


1.6       Environmental protection


The main business of the Company is the production and distribution of electricity and service stations for fuel and natural gas (NGV). It focuses on power plants that use waste heat and RDF fuels. Most of businesses are eco-friendly.

1.7       Community or social development

Commitment to social and community development, promoting quality of life, and maintaining the environment so that the industry can live in harmony with society and the community, are what the Company, as a company of Thai people, values along with its business operations. The Company has focused on developing sustainable practices in various areas.

1.8       Innovative use and dissemination of innovations that are socially and environmentally responsible.

The Company is focused on innovation through the maximization of resources. The Company is focused on generating electricity from waste heat and RDF which uses waste as raw material for production. The use of alternative energy reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere; thus, it is deemed an environmental-friendly innovation. The Company has publicized this principle to the community and people to learn and understand the Company's operations on various occasions.

In addition, RDF is produced from waste which is derived from local communities and factories. The Company's business is an innovative business to recycle waste and also helps the community reduce waste, which is a national problem. It also helps reduce waste disposal processes of other public and private sectors organizations, which saves energy indirectly, in accordance with the Company's philosophy to create balance between business growth and environmental protection, and to create a strong Thai society and to be a driving force for the Thai economy and Thai society.

  1. Implementation and Reporting (CSR in Process)

The Company Group has a clear policy on CSR and is committed to working on such a policy to ensure that it helps create a quality society and environment. The company policy has been implemented for the benefit of the community and society as follows:

  • The Company is committed to implementing the guidelines of "Zero Waste" and has consistently followed this policy by regulating, supervising, and developing processes to ensure that the rate of waste emissions from operations is below the highest level allowed by the law. Also the Company reuses the waste heat from the cement production process to produce electricity power.
  • The Company is focusing on ways to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere, which cause greenhouse effects for the community. As a result, the Company has focused on operating the RDF power plant.
  • The Company is committed to reducing community waste by utilizing community waste for alternative RDF projects. The use of such alternative fuels to generate electricity helps community waste management and reduces the quantity of the waste and the space for garbage collection.
  • The Company continues to use the waste monitoring system to monitor the emission of waste from the combustion process of the power plant and keeps track of and controls the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in each combustion process. And it controls the temperature and fuel-to-air ratio during the combustion process to maintain the level of waste discharge to the level required by law.
  • The Company shall cooperate and comply with the regulations, laws and other requirements related to the environment.


  1. Businesses that affect social responsibility

                 - None -


  1. Additional Guidelines on Prevention of Corruption Involvement


The Company Group has a policy against corruption. The Company focuses on promoting morality, ethics, transparency in business operations according to the business ethics of the Company. It also operates a business using a management system that is efficient, transparent, and auditable. In addition, the Company encourages its personnel at all levels not to deal with corruption directly and indirectly and to participate in preventing and combating corrupted practices related to the Company's business.

The Company Group has a policy regarding gifts and other benefits from/to the person or company that conducts business with the Company. To avoid any conflict of interest, the employees of the company must not accept or claim, directly or indirectly, any gifts or bribes, special remuneration or incentives that are valued by outsiders who are involved in business. And if any employees need to do that, one must receive approval by the direct supervisor before. The receipt of such gift must comply with the rules, business practices or business etiquette and it must have no influence on business decisions of employees.

In addition, the Company Group has a policy that does not allow or encourage unlawful payments or bribe a government agency.  It also provides a way to clearly report clues or complaints when people see the wrong action. The investigation and penalties are set out in the Company's Anti-Corruption Policy.