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TPI Super Calcium pH12

TPI Super Calcium (pH12) 
Premium grade, high quality: improve and alleviate problems of acid soil
Efficiently adjust the soil the balance of, environmentally friendly

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Product Characteristics

Super Calcium (pH12) is a product of high quality, concentrated natural minerals, secure from any harmful residues to human and animals. This product can be used for improving soil acidity, especially for sour soil with high acidity. This product can increase the soil fertility and minerals, provide suitable environment for plant growth; increase Calcium and Magnesium for plants, support plants to grow with good health and immunity and improves chemical fertilizer efficiency.

Super Calcium (pH12)

  • Product of high quality minerals, with high content of fine Calcium Carbonate which increases the product’s efficiency. This product readjusts the soil quality efficiently and quickly, and provides suitable environment for plant growth.
  • It is produced by state of the art technology and under standardized quality for improving the soil quality
  • Without any harmful chemicals to human or animals hence, totally safe for users and environment.


  • Improve soil quality and provide suitable environment for plants’ growth
  • Quickly reduce soil acidity
  • Preserve balance of soil nutrients and add more profitable nutrients to the soil
  • Boost plant growth and strength

Rate of Usage

  • For acid soil with pH value between 4-5, use this product at the rate of 300-500 kgs. per 1,600 square meter (0.4 Acre).
  • For acid soil with pH value under 4.0, use this product at the rate of 500-1,000 kgs. per 1,600 square meter (0.4 Acre)
  • In order to efficiently utilize the product, please check the targeted soil pH value, both before and after using this product.


  • Store in a cool and dry place, or cover product with water- or humidity-proof material
  • Use the entire content of the bag within 1 month after first usage

TPI Agricultural Product


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