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TPI Gro Organic

Agriculture Registration Number : 85/2555
Department of Agriculture
Growth Accelerating Formula
Produced from natural
Organic substances
Natural Organic Product for Reduction of Global Warming Project

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TPI GROWTH ORGANIC : liquid organic fertilizer produced from digestion process of natural organic substances such as plants, leaves and food-remains using advance production technology, giving rise to brownish black liquid product. TPI GROWTH ORGANIC liquid organic fertilizer consists of substances that are essential for plant growth, such as primary plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; secondary plant nutrients that includes calcium, magnesium and sulfur; supplementary minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, boron, molybdenum, zinc, and chloride together with humic substances and plant hormones.

Suitable for any type of plants such as rice, sugar canes, corns, tapioca trees, rubber trees, palm trees, flower and fruits etc.

Growth accelerating formula for plants, enriched with nutrients and plant hormones.

Provides accelerated growth to plants when TPI GROWTH ORGANIC liquid organic fertilizer is absorbed through leaves.

            Contains nutrients and substances that are essential for plants, namely:

  • Amino acids and various organic substances that promotes plant growth through cell division.
  • Plant hormones, such as Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytokinins that stimulates plant growth.

Directions for premix before use

1 Liter per 5 Rai (1 Rai equal to 1,600 Square meters). Mix 1 part of TPI GROWTH ORGANIC with 500 parts of water or 0.04 liters per 20 liters of water before use.

Directions of Use

  • Spray over leaves and stems once a week


  • Store in shade away from sunlight
  • Follow the premix direction strictly.
  • Keep away from children.
  • Chemical insecticides not to be applied when using this fertilizer.

Quality products by


Quality Control Standard

US EPA Part 503 Biosolid Rule

Benefits of TPI GROWTH ORGANIC Liquid Organic Fertilizer

  • Reduces expenses of using chemical fertilizer and hormones.
  • Regulates minerals in the soil thus increasing the water absorbtion efficiency of roots.
  • Plants can fully utilize the fertilizer to its maximum efficiency due to being natural organic substances.
  • Helps increase productivity.
  • Drives away harmful insects thus eliminates the use of chemical insecticides.
  • Helps lower investment due to its low price.

Growth accelerating formula for plants, enriched with nutrients and plant hormones.


Liquid Organic Fertilizer Stops Global Warming, Improves Quality Of Life With TPI Liquid Organic Fertilizer

  • Organic substance from plants, vegetables, leaves and food-remains are processed into TPI GROWTH ORGANIC Liquid Organic Fertilizer by an advanced production technology.
  • Product quality conforms to quality standards of Department of Agriculture.
  • Safe for users, consumers and environment as it is an organic natural product.
  • TPI GROWTH ORGANIC liquid organic fertilizer is produced from natural organic substances.

Choose TPI GROWTH ORGANIC Liquid Organic Fertilizer for excellent results


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